Why choosing the right superyacht recruitment agency is so important

The world of superyachts is a niche one, agencies recruiting in the space need to understand this world and all its idiosyncrasies and specialisms! Sadly, it’s a fact, choose the wrong recruitment agency and you are unlikely to find the best job suited to your skills. Read on to learn more here about how to choose the right superyacht recruitment agency for your needs.

Working on a superyacht is much more likely with the best recruitment agency.

First of all: work with a superyacht specific recruitment agency

We can’t emphasise this point enough, if you’re looking for jobs in the superyacht industry, work with a specialist superyacht recruitment agency and not a general agency.

Superyacht recruiters like J4Crew will have significant expertise in the market, which will be very beneficial to candidates. General recruitment agencies will rarely have contacts or the expertise to be able to provide the best service to clients.

Access to the best jobs

Naturally, it’s important that the agency you work with has access to the best jobs available in the superyacht industry. No agency has access to 100% of vacancies, but it’s important the agency has access to a good number of suitable positions for you.

Access to resources

Do some investigation and see what resources the agency has available? These days a website is a given! Does the website have plenty of information and a good job search listings section?

A modern-day resource is the mobile app. Having access to an app can considerably improve a candidate’s experience and make job hunting much easier. Not every agency will have an app, such as the one available from J4Crew.

Choose an agency which cares

Choosing the right agency often means choosing one which cares and not one filled with staff just “doing the day job”. Look for agency qualities such as patience and tolerance – they may need it from time to time!

Always try to find online reviews and testimonials as these are other people’s words and not just the agencies! Look for an agency which has a “can do” positive attitude, one which is optimistic it can place you in roles which you are skilled for and where they think you will be a good cultural match.

Contact the J4Crew recruitment agency

We are here for you and have been recruiting since 2000, that’s testimony in itself. Why not contact us today and start your job search with us, in our opinion we meet all the above criteria! We are committed to finding the best and most suitable roles for everyone searching for superyacht positions.

Image Credit: Public Domain